Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had a wonderful Halloween. After our neighborhood party, we enjoyed trick-or-treating in the beautiful 83 degree Texas Fall weather. Everyone had a great evening, and the kids are thrilled with their new stash of candy.

Where Did it Go?

This is one of my favorite stages. I call this stage, "Uh oh...where did the Cheerio go?" Sophie worked for about 20 minutes trying to get the Cheerios into her mouth. She would pick the cereal up, grasp it in her fist, and quickly place her fist in her mouth. She tried it again and again, over and over....never being able to figure out how to release the cereal once her fist was in her mouth. I'm not sure why, but this is always entertaining to me. Bless her little heart, she got a little frazzled and eventually gave up. Mom stepped in and place the little Cheerio right in her mouth. YUMMY!!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Lyrics by Jackson

Jackson woke up Thursday morning with a song in his heart and he was ready to share it with the world. He was very proud to sing to us the new song that he wrote--he even created a little tune to go along with his latest release. I listened to the song several times and thought I would write down the lyrics to share (I wrote them down exactly as he sang the song).

There is a tornado
But it won't suck me up
'Cause I've grown too much
I had too funness
I'm smarter than a cage
It's true that Heavenly Father is there
He is always with me
No matter where I am
There is a tornado
But it won't suck me up

The lyrics, "I'm smarter than a cage," were unclear to me, so I asked Jackson, "just how smart is a cage, Buddy," and he replied, "oh, they are way smart because they are able to capture monsters." I also inquired about the lyrics, "I had too much funness." He said that means, "you know...a lot of fun."

I love this kid.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Double Digits

She's 10 years old!!! Happy Birthday to Megan! Nana made her a flip-flop cake to celebrate her special day. We love our Meg!

Family In Town

We've all been looking forward to Nana and Gramps and Steve and Tango's arrival. My mom and dad served a wonderful mission in Kentucky, and we were anxious to see them as they drove down to see us after being released from their mission. The 10 of us thoroughly enjoyed being with one another. Sophie got lots of love and attention from everyone as she showed off her new talents and contagious smile. Whether it was swimming, playing tennis, going to movies, going to parks, singing kareoke, eating famous Round Rock donuts, visiting famous Austin sites, canoeing, watching the 1.5 million bats at dusk, cheering Cameron at his soccer game, attending Meg's dance performance at church--every day was memorable and entertaining!

Rolling On The River

We pulled the kids out of school early on Monday to go downtown. (We had to coax Cameron to leave, as he was pretty convinced that missing a day of school would cause hours of catch-up.) The afternoon was full of fun and adventure. Everyone had fun canoeing--even Sophie enjoyed the ride, as the sway of the canoe lulled her into a peaceful nap. After canoeing we went downtown and toured the capitol and rode the free "'Dillo" buses. To top off the day, Mom and Dad took us all out to the best Texas BBQ ever! Ribs and brisket for all at Rudy's! After we put the kids to bed the adults gathered around the table for games and snacks. A great day!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

34 years later

This is the photo of Sophie wearing my dress. She's actually wearing a dress that I used to wear 34 years ago. The blue dress looked perfect with her big blue eyes.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Do You Remember Your Combo?

Cameron wasn't thrilled about me taking his picture in the front of his new middle school. I did, however, manage to capture a picture of him while he least expected it.... trying to open his first locker. Even though I graduated from high school over 16 years ago, every once in a while I'll have a very stressful dream where I'm trying to open my locker (which holds some very important, life saving assignment). In this dream I try every combo possible, only to find that I have forgotten my locker combination.... Anyhow, Cameron is excited for this new adventure and we're excited (and nervous) for him.

Off To School

Where did the summer go? How did this day come so quickly? We took the kids to their first day of school this morning. Jackson's very first day of Kindergarten. Did he cry? Nope, but his mom did. Cameron's first day of Middle School. Did he shed a tear? Nope, but his mom did. Meg was in the school and down the hall before we even had a chance to give her a hug and wish her well....our little social butterfly off to work. Here's hoping for a great year!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Favorite Photo

Here is my first uploaded photo. I chose this photo for no particular reason, it's just that I like it. Those sweet toes belong to little Sophie. Jackson, Megan, and Cameron once had toes this tiny but now they are starting Kindergarten, 4th grade, and 6th grade. Their feet are much larger now.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

First Time Blogger

I'm really going to do it.  Really.  I'm really going to start blogging.  This is the real thing.